ADHD 2.0 (Edward Hallowell MD & John Ratey MD)*
Driven to Distraction (Hallowell & Ratey)*
Your Brain’s Not Broken (Tamara Rosier PhD)*
The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success (Peg Dawson EdD & Richard Guare PhD)*
Women with ADHD (Sari Solden MS)*
More Attention, Less Deficit (Ari Tuckman PsyD MBA)*
ADHD + Mind-Body
Spark (John Ratey, MD)*
The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD (Lidia Zylowska MD)*
ADHD + Relationships​
The ADHD Effect on Marriage (Melissa Orlov)*
ADHD & Us (Anita Robertson LCSW)*
ADHD + Career
Now What? (Laura Berman Fortgang)*
Refuse to Choose! (Barbara Sher)*
Overcome Underearning (Barbara Stanny)​*
ADHD + Coaching​​
The Disorganized Mind (Nancy Ratey EdM, MCC, SCAC)*
Permission to Proceed (David Giwerc MCAC, MCC, ADDCA Founder)​*
Research Articles on ADHD Coaching Efficacy + Telehealth ADHD Coaching: NIH, Sage Journals, Scientific Research, JMIR
Virtual Coworking/Body-Doubling Options
​Focus Mate
Flown (UK-based)
Please note that this page is under continuous development and will be updated regularly.
*Affiliate Disclaimer: Hesed ADHD earns commission from qualifying purchases (asterisked items*). We only recommend books/items we believe to be supportive and beneficial, however buyer/user discretion is advised based on personal needs/requirements. Please discuss with your Health Care Professional/ADHD Coach to ensure the recommendation is suitable for you.